calle 71 con 9na |
Bogota's weather is often clouded and chill, however, once in a while we get some sun, sunny sundays are really weird in this city, but there are some lucky weekends when sun shines high above almost all day .
so, What to do on a sunny sunday afternoon in bogota?
Of course there's always indoor plans, but if you're looking forward to enjoying a sunny afternoon in this amazing city, the best choice would be going outdoors.
My suggestion is to put on some jeans and sneackers and go out for a walk!
Juan Valdez Cafe av chile |
There are hundreds of parks in bogota, more than one in each neighborhood but there are also, lovely streets and avenues where you can take pleasant strolls, go shopping, grab something to eat, whether you are alone or accompanied, there's always a cafe near where you can sit and chat or read a book and have a cup of our amazing coffe.
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